The tubal patency test HyCoSy
At FertiMedica we perform a tubal patency test using the HyCoSy method, which is safe and not very invasive.
The tubal patency test is one of the basic tests performed under comprehensive infertility diagnosis in a woman. This test may be performed using the following methods:
- hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (HyCoSy) using the ultrasonographic examination to observe the administered contrast agent. This examination enables the doctor to make an assessment of the uterine cavity and the patency of uterine tubes,
- or by using X-rays (classic SHG).
At FertiMedica we perform hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (HyCoSy), which is safe and not very invasive. The contrast agent applied during the test does not cause any allergies. The agent has been closely examined with regard to potential toxicity for gametes and embryos, and tests have confirmed its safety in this respect.
Taking into account that the examination does not require the use of X-rays, there are no contraindications for trying to conceive a baby in the cycle, in which HyCoSy was performed.
How to get ready for hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (HyCoSy)?
At FertiMedica, all patients wanting to perform the tubal patency test are qualified for it by the doctor. To be qualified, a patient needs to have the results of valid pap smear test (valid for 12 months), results of cervical canal culture (from the last 3 months) and cervical smear test for Chlamydia (valid for 3 months).
The examination itself is performed in a particular moment of a cycle, preferably right after menstruation, however, not later than before ovulation. To prepare for the examination, a patient is asked to take, an hour before scheduled examination, analgesics and a muscle relaxant prescribed by the doctor during the qualification visit. W ramach przygotowania do badania pacjentka proszona jest o przyjęcie, na godzinę przed planowanym badaniem, leków przeciwbólowych i rozkurczowych, zleconych przez lekarza podczas wizyty kwalifikacyjnej.
Upon request of a patient, the tubal patency test may be performed under short intravenous anesthesia. In such a case it is necessary to have an anesthesiological consultation and submit the valid results of a blood test: blood cell count, coagulation parameters, ionogram and blood group. The test has to be performed under fasting conditions.