PAPPA test
The PAPP-A test, or Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A, is a test performed during pregnancy to assess the risk of genetic abnormalities in the developing fetus.
Purpose of the PAPP-A test: The PAPP-A test helps assess your baby’s risk of genetic syndromes such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and other congenital defects. The PAPP-A test result is one of the elements of assessing a child’s risk of developing the disease.
When it is performed: The PAPP-A test is performed between weeks 11 and 14 of pregnancy. It may be performed alone or as part of a more advanced test such as the triple test (PAPP-A, hCG and NF).
How it is performed: The PAPP-A test involves taking a blood sample from the mother and assessing the fetus in an ultrasound examination.
What the result means: The PAPP-A test result, combined with other data, helps assess the risk of congenital genetic defects. The result can be used for further tests and consultations with a doctor.
Remember that the PAPP-A test result is not a diagnosis, but only an assessment of the child’s risk of developing a genetic disease. If the PAPP-A test result raises any doubts or concerns, it is worth consulting a doctor or a genetics specialist who will help you thoroughly assess the situation and plan further steps.