
At FertiMedica we perform intrauterine insemination with the sperm of a partner/husband or, if indicated – with the sperm of an anonymous donor. A qualification for the procedure of insemination is issued by a doctor from FertiMedica. Kwalifikacja do zabiegu inseminacji przeprowadzana jest przez lekarza z FertiMedica.

What is insemination?

Insemination involves insertion of properly prepared sperm (previously submitted for laboratory quality assessment) into the uterine cavity during ovulation. This procedure may be performed in a natural cycle or stimulated cycle – where a woman takes medications stimulating the function of ovaries.

What fertilization problems does insemination help to overcome? When is it recommended? Kiedy jest zalecana?

Insemination is most effective in the group of couples whose difficulties with getting pregnant result from slightly reduced parameters of sperm. It is also recommended for couples who underwent a postcoital test (presently not recommended) which indicated no sperm motility. The indications for insemination also include mild endometriosis (stage I/II according to the AFS) and idiopathic infertility.

How to prepare for insemination?

The preparation for the insemination procedure, both in a natural and stimulated cycle, requires the supervision of a doctor, ultrasonographic monitoring, and sometimes also hormonal tests performed on precisely specified days of a cycle.

or the procedure, a man should supply his sperm to the clinic one hour before the scheduled procedure. It is also possible to supply sperm donated at home – in such a case a patient’s husband/partner needs to sign a declaration stating that the sperm was donated by him.

What are success statistics regarding the insemination procedure?

The percentage of pregnancies resulting from the intrauterine insemination procedure per one cycle (one attempt) is 12%. Therefore, a recommended cycle of procedures consists of 4–6 attempts.

Remember that all our experts are perfectly aware of the fact that you may need a lot of support. Therefore, they will provide you not only with medical help, but also with emotional support at every stage of diagnostics and treatment.

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